World Changer Kids References & Websites
References for Missions Teaching on this Website:
("Who Wants to be a Missionary?" and "The REALLY Amazing Race!")
1. Johnstone, Patrick and Mandryk, Jason; Operation World: 21st Century Edition; Paternoster Lifestyle; Waynesboro, Ga.; 2001.
2. Spraggett, Daphne and Johnstone, Jill; Window on the World; Paternoster Lifestyle; Waynesboro, Ga.; 2001.
3. Woodbridge, John D., Editor; Ambassadors for Christ; Moody Bible Institute; Chicago, Illinois; 1994.
4. Tucker, Ruth A.; From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya: a Biographical History of Christian Missions; Zondervan Publishing House; Grand Rapids, Michigan; 1983.
5. Shibley, David; Heaven's Heroes; New Leaf Press; Green Forest, Arkansas; 1994.
6. Seaver, George; David Livingstone: His Life and Letters; Harper & Brothers Publishers; New York; 1957.
7. Alex, Ben; David Livingstone: The Missionary Who "Discovered" Africa; Victor Books / Scripture Press Publications, 1995.
8. Elliot, Elisabeth; A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael; Fleming H. Revell / Baker Book House Company; Grand Rapids, Michigan; 2004.
9. Elliot, Elisabeth; Through Gates of Splendor, 40th Anniversary Edition; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.; Wheaton, Illinois; 1981.
10. Elliot, Elisabeth; Shadow of the Almighty; HarperSanFrancisco / HarperCollinsPublishers; New York, NY; 1989.
11. Wagner, Elizabeth; Tearing Down Strongholds: Prayer for Buddhists; Living Books for All; Kowloon, Hong Kong; 1988.
12. T.H.U.M.B. Prayer Cards; Caleb Project; Littleton, Colorado; 2001.
13. Google images.
Turn the World Upside-Down with these
Radical Resources for World Changers!!!
- Window on the World by Daphne Spraggett with Jill Johnstone: a great book to help kids become world changers! With pages of maps and color pictures on 92 different countries and people groups, kids will have plenty of opportunities to pray for the most spiritually needy people of the world! This can be ordered through any Christian bookstore, or order directly from World Changer Kids on-line store or

- Let the Children Pray! by Esther Ilnisky: a wonderful book filled with testimonies and examples of children becoming global prayer warriors. (The book is available through Esther Network International.) You can also order Esther's PrayerTools to help kids pray for the world. Contact Esther Ilnisky; ENI / CGPM; Lighthouse Christian Center, International;
P.O. Box 6338; West Palm Beach, Florida 33405; (561)-832- 8479.
PrayerTools include a soft "Globall", a huggable globe to help kids "Catch the Vision" and "Get Global" to pray for kids around the world; "House of Prayer March" on cassette or CD with songs for prayer and world vision; a colorful Prayer Spinner to allow kids a fun way to choose a topic for prayer; world squeezeballs to show kids that they can "shape the world" through prayer.
Contact ESTHER ILNISKY directly at the following address:
Phone: 561-684-1754; FAX 561-688-1257
- Many other books on great missionaries and missions stories are available through Christian Publishing Houses. Call 1-800-MISSION to get a free catalogue or to order any missions book available or browse online at (select resources for children and youth).

- Check out the "Planet Word Bible" (NKJV) for pre-teens or "The Global Bible for Children", both created to give kids a perspective of how God is working in the world (many color pictures included). These can be ordered through our on-line World Changer Kids store!
Great websites with kids' resources and missions
stories include the following:
- This site is produced by "Voice of the Martyrs" and includes amazing stories of Christian faith of kids who live in countries where there is persecution (hardship and suffering) for Christians. Many home school resources are available for missions teaching for kids.

- This site by Wycliffe Bible Translators has some interactive missions activities for kids (click on "kids") as well as great missions resources for both adults and children. Free downloads of their "Bright Ideas!" missions curriculum, "Steps to Bible Translation"; Prayer Lessons; and "Service-Learning Projects" are also available.

- Pioneers has a children's missions education site that includes free resources! Their resources are from the former Caleb Project, and they are awesome!
They have great resources for adults and kids, including the "Kids Around the World" video / DVD series which highlights different people groups around the world from a child's perspective. [resources; store; kids; elementary sets] Also, check out their new ministry called "Red Card Kids," which focuses on 6 specific at-risk groups: Children of War, Street Kids, Orphans, Child Laborers, Child Poverty and Children with HIV/AIDS . The resources and curriculum are a true treasure towards helping bring more awareness to kids and families about the needs of these kids. The website for this resource is

- This site has great missions education resources for kids, including "How to Conduct a Successful Kids Missions Festival A to Z"; "Kids on a Mission" curriculum for kids in grades 1 – 5; "Kids on a Mission" musical; "Missions Prayer Tools for Children A to Z" and MORE!!
Visit their "GC Kidz Club" for interactive games and activities to help kids fulfill the Great Commission! Free downloads of missions lessons!

- An awesome site to get teaching for kids about prayer of all kinds, including prayer for other people around the world!

- Gospel for Asia web site with children's missions materials available, including "Window to Our World" series good for general information or home schooling and the "Pedal Project" which involves raising money to buy bicycles for native missionaries so they can preach the Gospel in villages throughout Asia.

- The Jesus film has been called one of the greatest evangelistic tools of the past few decades. This movie has been translated into hundreds of languages and viewed by about 2 billion people worldwide! They have a children's version called "The Story of Jesus for Children" with evangelistic tracts. Why not have a Jesus party and show the movie to your friends?

- Bibles and tracts are a great way to let people read the Word of God for themselves and get to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Several sites show how Bibles are needed around the world. Among them are (International Bible Society), (American Bible Society), (Gideons International, an organization dedicated to distribution of Bibles and evangelism worldwide), and or (This is the website for The Pocket Testament League started by Helen Cadbury, daughter of the chocolate company founder, Richard Cadbury. You can join for free and receive up to 10 Gospel of John tracts per month to give to friends or family members that you would like to reach with the message of the Gospel! They also have tracts for kids.) (website for World Missionary Press, an organization that produces tracts for distribution around the world. You can make a donation or they will send tracts for free for missionary purposes if you contact them directly.) For kids' activities, including Sammy the Scripture booklet comic book, and coloring pages, click on "Kids Korner" or go directly to

- For evangelism that targets children around the world, including compassion ministries, the following websites have touching stories, resources, and child sponsorship available: (Child Evangelism Fellowship website with news and resources about children's evangelism); (compassionate relief for children in need worldwide); (Compassion International website); (Rainbows of Hope, a division of WEC, deals with ministry to children in crisis around the world).

- For opportunities for children to be involved in ministry, (John & Shirley Tasch ministry website; they have trained children in evangelism and missions for many years. Lots of ideas and resources on their site, including "Little Preachers End-Time Missions Manual" - how to train a group of children for a short-term missions trip.) (an organization with a real vision to get kids involved in ministry and to see the mighty power of God work through them!); (an organization that trains and takes adults to evangelize children and train children's ministry workers worldwide). Check out their great resources for kids' outreaches and ministry that can be used around the world!
General missions resources that can be used by kids and families:
- offers a devotional monthly magazine with great missionary stories and stories of people around the world who need to hear the Gospel. This is a wonderful daily devotional for missions-oriented families. offers many missions resources and links to missions agencies; (Youth With a Mission) also has resources and opportunities for youth to be involved in missions; allows people of all ages to find where they fit in God's global plan as well as ask questions and participate in retreats (; fantastic missions links and resources! offers an alphabetical listing of everything you always wanted to know about missions!!!

- Check out this great website by a true children's mission mobilizer! Order wonderful activity and coloring books on children from numerous countries around the world originally put together by the late Bev Gundersen (Monarch Publishing), a champion of children's missions education. You won't find these resources anywhere else! Also, share ideas or consult regarding children's missions education.

- Compassion International also has a children's site with incredible on-line games that allow children to navigate through different countries finding clues on how people live and what their needs are in various parts of the world. This will open your eyes to the needs of the world's children!
- The 4-14 Window refers to the population of the world ages 4 to 14 who are most likely to respond to the Gospel message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The 4-14 Window Missions Movement encourages Christians to become involved in reaching, rescuing, rooting (making disciples), and releasing these children ages 4 to 14 to become the next generation of the church worldwide. They have excellent resources on their website: or
- You can also like the 4-14 Window Missions Movement on facebook at
[These references and websites are for individual use and exploration. This is not a complete listing of all missions resources or missions organizations.]