World Changer Kids Ministries
World Changer Kids, Inc., accomplishes our vision to raise up the next generation of Christian missionaries by working with the following ministries to promote mobilization of children in the area of missions:
- Samaritan's Purse, "Operation Christmas Child" — sends shoe boxes filled with toys, school supplies, and necessary items to children in need around the world. They have sent over 77 million gift-filled shoe boxes to more than 138 countries since 1993. When possible, the Gospel message accompanies these boxes, and children can participate in Christian discipleship ("The Greatest Journey", a 12 lesson Bible study) if they desire following the distribution. World Changer Kids donates directly to support "Operation Christmas Child" and mobilizes children to participate in this hands-on missions project. or
- Children's Global Prayer Movement — started by Esther Ilnisky in the 1990's to mobilize children to pray for the world, especially the unreached countries in the 10/40 Window. We encourage children to pray for the nations and unreached people using PrayerTools developed by Esther Ilnisky. She has a soft globe ("Globall") to help kids "Catch the Vision!" and "Get Global!" Also, CD's with prayer music and the House of Prayer March are available, Prayer Spinners, T-shirts, Let the Children Pray! book, and more! click on Esther Network International. World Changer Kids has done workshops on children's prayer with Esther and her staff and helped with PrayerTools distribution.
- Kidzana is an organization that equips people to reach and disciple children around the world for Jesus Christ. They train children's ministers worldwide and have excellent curriculum and resources. World Changer Kids supports their ministry.
- Finally, our own ministry, World Changer Kids, Inc., has developed fun and unique teaching to engage children in The Great Commission and win the world for Jesus Christ! Many teachings are available free on this website. Your generous donations make it possible for us to develop more video teaching, music downloads, CD's, DVD's, books, and curriculum for children's missions education.
